You know what? I woke up 7 am this morning, and then i told myself...this is Monday. this is F**Kin Monday, oh gosh...i can't have additional nap time, i must be hurry to the office, there's a bunch of report must be done, bla bla bla. Spongebob Squarepants serial in the TV cant help to cheer me up ( usually he always did ). I'm literally not a routine person. But I cant help to avoid all this responsibility. It's not like i hate my job, i just hate being in an office everyday, from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm, MONDAY to FRIDAY. It's like a curse in Disney's story, to be a robot doing things ordered at the exact time.
I like my boss though, he's quite a nice boss every employee ever dreamed of :). He doesn't speak much but he cares. He will let me took my day off everytime i feel sick or have another thing to do outside the office in the office hour. He asked me to do jobs politely. He's not worth my grievance like this :'(. I'm his only staff after his driver, maybe that's why we're just fine. I have nothing to complaint about him. I'ts just me.
But, as i always said to my friends to look at the bright side. I'm complaining about my life, i grumble bout my financial posts that gnowing my breath, but then i can teach myself of the situation, right? If I never complaint and keep pretend to anyone that my life is OK (which is not for sure!), I will also pretend to myself. As result, I will never want to grow, i won't try my best to scratch out this hell. I have to do something about this... that's what I learned. To open wide eyes , to think outside the box. Either try to be a better employee or try to figure out something to do by myself a.k.a create a job for myself.
The choice number 1 is far far away from my ability. It's like a non-sense choice, i've tried for 1,5 years and everytime i get lost. I opine not to try any longer, because it'll only a waste. I love adventure and visit new places and understand every details, but i can't do that all the time because of this routines. you know a saying of 'don't let works distract your vacation'? that's literally so damn right! Exactly that's what i want to do beside my other hobby, write songs. But for now, I have to find out how to make a money from that otherwise it's another waste. I am twenty something and i want to reward myself A CHANGE.. *crossed finger