Hi all...
been sumtimes since i update this blog - my only lovely blog, ever -
been gone somewhere? nope, i still 'got stucked' here.
been experience something new? naa, this boring situation really get the syit outta me, still.
So, still the question mark 'WHY' so important to be answered? i hope not. I'm not in a good mood to answer or explain anything (just exactly like this title)- i mean, ANY, litterally. Sumtimes I think, even it's applied to myself. Every single question come to my brain, I just said to myself..."duuu, get over it!"
Might everyone read these blog and says," she's just sooo cliche" or..." urgh, watta boring oldschool series of a life story"..I don't mind. Really, I mean it. But yea, I must admit it, sumtimes it comes from deepest room inside to yell.." YEA U MAY SAY ANYTHING U LIKE, BUT U NEVER SIT ON MY CHAIR, SO WHO THE HELL U TO JUDGE!" ... and for the last few days, that voice yelled even more.
Should I say my life being soooo complicated? It would be so egoistic and selfishtic to say that, everyone got their own probs right?
Clearly, for me it's like this...this is just an episode i must pass before the next class of life education. Even I complain to I don't know who many times, even I do pathetic to myself hundreds time, I know it's just a path I must walk in.
Yes, i build a highest wall between me and my friends. But It's just because I don't wanna let me hurt them unpurposely in my pathetic attitude and behaviour lately. I choose one or two friends to share with. And they're the best I could have. They understand and they're the ones who'll never spoil to the world bout my story. See..that's the best I could have from a friend, right?
So, I already speak too much. For that I'm sorry. I don't wanna be a parasite to anybody. And please don't let me be.
U may say anything, but all I'm doing now, is craving to get the hell out of this hell i created. Let me see you another time, hopefully in a better situation.
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